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Community Futures Oxford celebrates Entrepreneurship in Oxford County

News & Events • June 27, 2024

Community Futures Oxford hosted its annual general meeting June 25 in Woodstock, ON. Since inception, the organization has disbursed $24,896,264 in loans and equity to 426 businesses that were starting or growing in the community. This directly impacted 3,319 jobs. Since 1993, Community Futures Oxford has awarded 381 grants in the amount of $1,359,408.

The organization also presented their annual awards of excellence to three recipients.

Three awards were presented:

Matthew Bannon
Kelsey Streef

Additionally, this year an award was given to Cheryl Haskett of Udderly Ridiculous and Udderly Ridiculous Farm Life. Cheryl was selected by Community Futures Ontario as the Members Choice for Entrepreneur of the Year from among nominations across Ontario.

Allan Simm and Cheryl Haskett


Kelsey Streef, Willow Grove Animal Wellness

“Community Futures has been integral in my expansion of business over the last five years. They believed in my vision, listened to my plan and helped me put it into action. I owe so many thanks to Community Futures Oxford for their support to my business and myself as an entrepreneur.” Kelsey Streef

Lindsey McLaren, Head of Geography, HPSS.

Our goal for students participating in the Huron Park sustainability challenge is that they recognize themselves as agents of change.  We want them to realize that they can identify and employ actionable items to affect change and make the community in which they learn and live more sustainable and livable for their future.  With the support of community partners, our school community, guardians and peers, our students’ actions are affirmed, and this helps to build their confidence and capacity for their continued environmental stewardship.

Allan Simm, Community Futures Oxford

Each year, we are impressed to witness, and contribute to, the growth of a vibrant Oxford County economy, evident in the creative and resilient businesses we are pleased to support,” Allan Simm, General Manager, Community Futures Oxford