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How would you use an entrepreneurial hub in Oxford County?

Uncategorised • February 9, 2022

Community Futures Oxford is exploring the possibility of creating and investing in an entrepreneurial hub to support the communities in Oxford County. Through providing access to a physical hub in Ingersoll, Community Futures Oxford would expand and scale their business support services and resources to local business owners, entrepreneurs, and aspiring entrepreneurs. This survey aims to understand how to best serve community needs through this space.

The survey is comprised of the following sections:

  • general information: questions pertaining to your work and/or business
  • current entrepreneurial ecosystem and supports: questions pertaining to the entrepreneurial supports that are currently available within Oxford County and,
  • hub feasibility: questions pertaining to the potential hub, including the services and features that would best support the needs of the communities within Oxford County.

This survey should take 10-20 minutes to complete. Please complete by Friday, February 25th. If you have any questions, or would like further information, please contact  

Note about confidentiality: this survey is specifically designed for potential users of this hub.  Survey results will be confidential and will be administered by Innovation Guelph.