Several local economic development partners including Community Futures Oxford, Oxford Economic Stimulus Fund, Rural Oxford EDC and Tourism Oxford have contributed financial resources to deliver a shop local holiday campaign. This campaign, valued at more than $13,000 will include the following:
Post Media Sponsored Advertorial Campaign: Online and in print 400-word advertorial appearing in The Woodstock Sentinel Review and Oxford Review. Matched with sponsored Facebook ads with The Woodstock Sentinel Review. Intended reach of 30,000 social impressions and 20,000 network reach.
Spotify Ads: 8 weeks of 30-second clickable Spotify Ads for non-subscribers (cannot be skipped).
Facebook sponsored ads featuring 2020 Oxford Shopping Channel downtown business series. One BIA featured weekly for 5 weeks. View or share the playlist below.
Billboards: Three billboards for four weeks in Ingersoll, Woodstock and Tillsonburg. Simple shop local, shop early messaging featuring retail photography.
Local influencer organic reach: Ten local influencers posting content to promote the campaign messaging, driving traffic to the Tourism Oxford holiday page. View a sample of a blog included on this page: Shop Local and Online This Holiday Season (2020)
HeartFM Radio and website billboard campaign.
View the influencer application here (including eligibility criteria). Applications close October 29 at 4:00pm.
To learn more:
Lindsay Wilson: OR 519-532-6141 (call or text)
Oxford Shopping Channel BIA Videos 2020
A great play list featuring main street businesses in Norwich, Tillsonburg, Woodstock, Tavistock, Thamesford and Ingersoll. Please note that these were filmed in 2020 and inventory available may not be exactly the same as featured here.