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Young entrepreneur grows business with grant from Community Futures Oxford

News & Events, Success Stories • April 16, 2018

With the support of Community Futures Oxford, Alyssa Hazeleger grew her business from a small, one-room office space to a full fitness studio location. Natural Motion Health was the recipient of a young entrepreneur grant which recognizes and supports the work of young entrepreneurs starting or growing a business in Oxford County.


Alyssa’s Story

My passion for movement and pain relief comes from personal experience and a lot of it. I have always loved movement, I was on sports teams my whole life, my favourites growing up were hockey and rugby. I was (and am still) a bit of a science nerd as well, so I went to school to study the human body’s movement and took Kinesiology at Western.

In August 2013, the summer before my final year of university, I was in a head on car accident. I was hospitalized for two weeks with a broken femur, punctured lung and several fractures in my face. To top it off, the accident was my fault. Once I knew this, I kept thinking, “I put myself in this mess, I had better get myself out” – Not only for my sake, but for my family’s – I felt like I had put such a burden and hardship on them in causing all of this.

My recovery was grueling, I wouldn’t have made it without an immense amount of lot of love and support from friends and family. I learned a lot about myself and the human body’s amazing capabilities. I persevered and trained myself back to working condition, doing exercises and stretches every day, eating very well. The work paid off, my recovery was very speedy and quite impressive considering my injuries.

To read more about the Natural Motion Health story, visit their website.